Employees Want Access to Financial Education
As the owner of a small business, you know finding and keeping your best employees these days is tough. Especially when you’re competing against Fortune 500 companies competing for the same pool of people.
In addition to offering the basics like a retirement plan or health insurance, a study conducted by the DCIIA’s Retirement Research Center found that over 50% of employees wanted access to financial education and advice.1
As independent financial advisors, we work with business owners to help them find cost-effective benefits from a wide variety of carriers. In addition to that, we’re able to come out to your office or host virtual webinars to provide employees with financial education.
If you’ve been curious about adding benefits, but just haven’t had the time—we’d love to show you how our process makes this as simple on your end as possible. If that’s of interest, please contact me at: cal.mckenney@fortunefin.com
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1Balley, H., Cormier, W., & Sette, K. (2021). Design of Financial Wellness Programs: What Do Employees Want and Whom Do They Trust. Washinton DC: Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association (DCIIA).
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